BAYC 4290 Apefest 2023

Are you ready for apefest?

As we burn the midnite oil to get Bored Roasters first release ready to go, time seems to hurdling along at its own pace. What seemed so far in the distance a few days ago is now upon us, and that is apefest.

Lucky for us this year it is in Hong Kong, a short train ride from our home base in Guangzhou While the last 2 years we were unable to attend due to the virus, we are redy to hop a train and rip into HK like only an ape can.

We will post some highlights from apefest, assuming garga allows us to. While we will begin this journey along the dusty path that is in front of us to apefest, we still have a lot to accomplish. A trip to Kunming after the event to explore some of the coffee scene in Yunnan is calendared already. There is some chatter here about a possible early 2024 trip to Dalat in Vietnam’s central highlands…updates and more info in due course.

If you see us in Honk Kong, Kunming or just around, say hi and ask us for a sticker. We usually have a few on us.


stay bored and drink small batch coffee.




classically-trained chef who likes to tinker with sh!t